October 18, 2024

Skipper Limited wins new orders of Rs 2,570 crores for BSNL 4G Telecom Projects


Kolkata,02nd January 2023: Skipper Limited (BSE: 538562) and NSE (Symbol: SKIPPER), one of the world’s leadingmanufacturers for Power Transmission & Distribution structures and a prominent manufacturer of Telecom and Railwaystructures is proud to announce that it has secured fresh new orders valuing Rs 2,570 Crores from Bharat Sanchar NigamLtd.(BSNL).


  • ThecontracthasbeenawardedbyBSNLforSupplyanderectionofGroundBasedTelecomTowers,Infrastructure as a Service Provider (IaaSP) for supply, installation of Infrastructure Items and subsequent O&Mfor5 yearsextendable to5moreyearsin the uncoveredvillagesof India under4Gsaturationprojects.
·         The total contract value awarded to Skipper under these projects is approx. 2,570 crores to be executed undercapex andopexmodelover 5years.Theworksaretobeexecutedinthestatesof Rajasthan andOrissa.
  • The telecom sites will be set up to provide 4G connectivity as part of the 4G saturation projects in areas stilluncoveredwith anysortofmobilecommunicationorare currently havingonly2G/3GConnectivity.

·         The Project will be executed using the home-grown 4G Stack and will be funded through Government of IndiaUSOF (Universal Service Obligation Fund), which is a 55,000 Crores strong cash reserves meant for providingconnectivityin ruralandremote areas.


Commenting on the release Mr. Sajan Kumar Bansal, Managing Director Skipper Limited said“We are glad that we areplaying a crucial role and contributing our bit towards India’s infrastructure development and proudto be part ofgovernment vision to provide mobile connectivity in rural areas. The project will promote the delivery of various e-governanceservices,bankingservices,telemedicine,teleeducationetcthroughmobilebroadbandandpromoteemploymentin rural areas”


“Our company is the largest manufacturer of Telecom Tower in India, Backed by our forte in executing projects for theTelecom sector; this is another significant win for us. Our large engineering capacity to support captive manufacturing oftelecom structures anddecadesof experiencein building Tower siteson turnkey basis will vastlycomplement theexecutionof thisprestigious projectand willestablishour company asa frontrunnerinthisdomain”


He further added “Going forward, the marketplace looks exciting and ripe with opportunities and the company has apositive outlook based on strong traction in domestic telecom on account of future 4G up-gradation and 5G Rollout tosupport high bandwith usage requirement which will draw more Infrastructural capex into the sector. Additionally we arewitnessingstrongtractionin PowerT&DandPolymermarketsegments”.

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