September 8, 2024

Tweet by Priya Agarwal, Director Vedanta Limited


This #Dhanteras, I’m excited to announce that Hindustan Zinc is working towards increasing production of Silver in India.

It is estimated that meeting the world’s energy needs sustainably requires a landmass the size of Spain covered in solar panels. That means we would need more than 5 million tons of silver!

This journey towards a sustainable future starts underground.

At @Hindustan_Zinc, we are committed to contributing to India’s sustainability targets. Today, we have established a first-of-its-kind cutting edge Fumer at our Chanderiya Smelting Complex which will increase our silver production by 3 tons per month – and we hope this will accelerate India’s journey towards #NetZero carbon emissions.

Together, let’s move towards a self-reliant, greener, and healthier New India.

Happy Dhanteras to All!
